WordPress: Solucionado “There has been a critical error on this website.”

By: Alejandro Román
- agosto 9, 2024
Descubre cómo solucionar el error crítico en tu página web de WordPress paso a paso.
Este problema suele ser muy común en WordPress y se presenta con el mensaje “Ha ocurrido un error crítico en este sitio web” al intentar acceder al panel de control de WordPress. Esta situación puede generar preocupación e incertidumbre en los usuarios que utilizan esta plataforma para gestionar sus sitios web. Es importante identificar las posibles causas de este error para poder solucionarlo de manera efectiva y recuperar el acceso al panel de administración de WordPress.
Resolving WordPress Critical Error
Hey there! In this video, I’ll show you how to solve the critical error on your WordPress website.
Possible Reasons for the Error
When you encounter a critical error on your website, it could be due to incompatible themes or plugins that haven’t been updated. This can happen if you haven’t logged into your WordPress site for a while or if you haven’t updated your themes and plugins to match the latest WordPress versions.
Steps to Fix the Error
To fix this issue, you’ll need to access your cPanel through your hosting platform. Once you’re in the cPanel, navigate to the file manager to find your WordPress directories.
In most cases, the error is caused by incompatible plugins. You can deactivate all plugins by renaming the plugins folder in the WP content directory. Once you rename it, refresh the page to see if the error is resolved.
Debugging the Issue
If the error persists, activate the plugins one by one to identify which one is causing the problem. You may need to delete or update the problematic plugin to resolve the error.
After troubleshooting the plugins, refresh the page to check if the website is back up and running smoothly.
I hope this guide was helpful in resolving the WordPress critical error on your website. Don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to my channel for more WordPress tips and tutorials. Thank you!
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